Upside is a sports improvement platform that focuses on the pivotal role that coaches play in the development of sports people and the communities that support them

Conveniently delivered in a mobile app, Upside offers an unprecedented level of flexibility and control over feedback from coaches, team members and supporting communities, and it also helps keep sports clubs and organisations in touch with users

The platform is most useful to young sports enthusiasts eager to benefit from rich feedback that’s instantly available. Coaches benefit from a platform that enables them to reach multiple users wherever they are, saving time and enabling coaches to deliver personalised feedback more effectively. Upside encourages the co-creation of bespoke solutions for player progression, helping to make every moment count so that users are more likely to experience the many and various ‘wow moments’ that makes sports development so rewarding

A dashboard of performance analytics, development logs, progress reports; scheduling, goal-setting and messaging functions work together to create a ‘shared memory’ that’s geared towards sports improvement on the whole

The symbol is a visual expression of the brand name and suggests an upshot from a catapult; also suggesting a continuous feedback loop that simultaneously elevates and accelerates people forward. The symbol is also a typographic ligature of a U and P on its side